
Source code for asteroid.models.zenodo

import os
import json
import requests
from io import BufferedReader, BytesIO

[docs]class Zenodo(object): """Faciliate Zenodo's REST API. Args: api_key (str): Access token generated to upload depositions. use_sandbox (bool): Whether to use the sandbox (default: True) Note that `api_key` are different in sandbox. Methods (all methods return the requests response): create_new_deposition change_metadata_in_deposition, upload_new_file_to_deposition publish_deposition get_deposition remove_deposition remove_all_depositions .. note:: A Zenodo record is something that is public and cannot be deleted. A Zenodo deposit has not yet been published, is private and can be deleted. """ def __init__(self, api_key=None, use_sandbox=True): if api_key is None: api_key = os.getenv("ACCESS_TOKEN", None) if api_key is None: raise ValueError( "Need to set `api_key` somehow. Either through the class" "arguments or by setting ACCESS_TOKEN env variable in bash." ) self.use_sandbox = use_sandbox if use_sandbox is True: self.zenodo_address = "" else: self.zenodo_address = "" self.api_key = api_key self.auth_header = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.api_key}"} self.headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": f"Bearer {self.api_key}", }
[docs] def create_new_deposition(self, metadata=None): """Creates a new deposition. Args: metadata (dict, optional): Metadata dict to upload on the new deposition. """ r = f"{self.zenodo_address}/api/deposit/depositions", json={}, headers=self.headers ) if r.status_code != 201: print("Creation failed (status code: {})".format(r.status_code)) return r if metadata is not None and isinstance(metadata, dict): return self.change_metadata_in_deposition(r.json()["id"], metadata) else: print(f"Could not interpret metadata type ({type(metadata)}), " "expected dict") return r
[docs] def change_metadata_in_deposition(self, dep_id, metadata): """Set or replace metadata in given deposition Args: dep_id (int): deposition id. You cna get it with `r = create_new_deposition(); dep_id = r.json()['id']` metadata (dict): Metadata dict. Examples: metadata = { 'title': 'My first upload', 'upload_type': 'poster', 'description': 'This is my first upload', 'creators': [{'name': 'Doe, John', 'affiliation': 'Zenodo'}] } """ data = {"metadata": metadata} r = requests.put( f"{self.zenodo_address}/api/deposit/depositions/{dep_id}", data=json.dumps(data), headers=self.headers, ) return r
[docs] def upload_new_file_to_deposition(self, dep_id, file, name=None): """Upload one file to existing deposition. Args: dep_id (int): deposition id. You cna get it with `r = create_new_deposition(); dep_id = r.json()['id']` file (str or io.BufferedReader): path to a file, or already opened file (path prefered). name (str, optional): name given to the uploaded file. Defaults to the path. (More: """ if isinstance(file, BufferedReader): files = {"file": file} filename = name if name else "Unknown" elif isinstance(file, str): if os.path.isfile(file): # This is a file, read it files = {"file": open(os.path.expanduser(file), "rb")} filename = name if name else os.path.basename(file) else: # This is a string, convert to BytesIO files = {"file": BytesIO(bytes(file, "utf-8"))} filename = name if name else "Unknown" else: raise ValueError("Unknown file format , expected str or Bytes ") data = {"name": filename} print("Submitting Data: {} and Files: {}".format(data, files)) r = f"{self.zenodo_address}/api/deposit/depositions/{dep_id}/files", headers=self.auth_header, data=data, files=files, ) print("Zenodo received : {}".format(r.content)) return r
[docs] def publish_deposition(self, dep_id): # pragma: no cover (Cannot publish) """Publish given deposition (Cannot be deleted)! Args: dep_id (int): deposition id. You cna get it with `r = create_new_deposition(); dep_id = r.json()['id']` """ r = f"{self.zenodo_address}/api/deposit/depositions/{dep_id}/actions/publish", headers=self.headers, ) return r
[docs] def get_deposition(self, dep_id=-1): """ Get deposition by deposition id. Get all dep_id is -1 (default).""" if dep_id > -1: print(f"Get deposition {dep_id} from Zenodo") r = requests.get( f"{self.zenodo_address}/api/deposit/depositions/{dep_id}", headers=self.headers ) else: print("Get all depositions from Zenodo") r = requests.get(f"{self.zenodo_address}/api/deposit/depositions", headers=self.headers) print("Get Depositions: Status Code: {}".format(r.status_code)) return r
[docs] def remove_deposition(self, dep_id): """ Remove deposition with deposition id `dep_id`""" print(f"Delete deposition number {dep_id}") r = requests.delete( f"{self.zenodo_address}/api/deposit/depositions/{dep_id}", headers=self.auth_header ) return r
[docs] def remove_all_depositions(self): """ Removes all unpublished deposition (not records).""" all_depositions = self.get_deposition() for dep in all_depositions.json(): self.remove_deposition(dep["id"])
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