
Training and Evaluation

Training and evaluation are the two essential parts of the recipes. For training, we offer a thin wrapper around PyTorchLightning that seamlessly enables distributed training, experiment logging and more, without sacrificing flexibility. For evaluation we released pb_bss_eval on PyPI, which is the evaluation part of pb_bss. All the credit goes to the original authors from the Paderborn University.

Training with PyTorchLightning

First, have a look here for an overview of PyTorchLightning. As you saw, the LightningModule is a central class of PyTorchLightning where a large part of the research-related logic lives. Instead of subclassing it everytime, we use System, a thin wrapper that separately gathers the essential parts of every deep learning project:

  1. A model
  2. Optimizer
  3. Loss function
  4. Train/val data
class System(pl.LightningModule):
        def __init__(self, model, optimizer, loss_func, train_loader, val_loader):

        def common_step(self, batch):
         """ common_step is the method that'll be called at both train/val time. """
                inputs, targets = batch
                est_targets = self(inputs)
                loss = self.loss_func(est_targets, targets)
                return loss

Only overwriting common_step will often be enough to obtain a desired behavior, while avoiding boilerplate code. Then, we can use the native PyTorchLightning Trainer to train the models.


Asteroid’s function compute_metrics that calls pb_bss_eval is used to compute the following common source separation metrics:

  • SDR / SIR / SAR
  • STOI
  • PESQ
  • SI-SDR
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