
Source code for asteroid.models.publisher

import os
import torch
import subprocess
from pprint import pprint

from .zenodo import Zenodo

    "\nDon't forget to share your pretrained models at "
    "! =)\n"
    "You can directly use our CLI for that, run this: \n"
    '`asteroid-upload {} --uploader "Your name here"`\n'

HREF = '<a href="{}">{}</a>'
CC_SA = "Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported"
ASTEROID_REF = HREF.format("", "Asteroid")

[docs]def save_publishable(publish_dir, model_dict, metrics=None, train_conf=None, recipe=None): """Save models to prepare for publication / model sharing. Args: publish_dir (str): Path to the publishing directory. Usually under exp/exp_name/publish_dir model_dict (dict): dict at least with keys `model_args`, `state_dict`,`dataset` or `licenses` metrics (dict): dict with evaluation metrics. train_conf (dict): Training configuration dict (from conf.yml). recipe (str): Name of the recipe. Returns: dict, same as `model_dict` with added fields. Raises: AssertionError when either `model_args`, `state_dict`,`dataset` or `licenses` are not present is `model_dict.keys()` """ assert "model_args" in model_dict.keys(), "`model_args` not found in model dict." assert "state_dict" in model_dict.keys(), "`state_dict` not found in model dict." assert "dataset" in model_dict.keys(), "`dataset` not found in model dict." assert "licenses" in model_dict.keys(), "`licenses` not found in model dict." assert isinstance(metrics, dict), "Cannot upload a model without metrics." # Additional infos. if recipe is not None: assert isinstance(recipe, str), "`recipe` should be a string." recipe_name = recipe else: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(publish_dir, "recipe_name.txt")): recipe_name = next(open(os.path.join(publish_dir, "recipe_name.txt"))) recipe_name.replace("\n", "") # remove next line else: recipe_name = "Unknown" model_dict["infos"]["recipe_name"] = recipe_name model_dict["infos"]["training_config"] = train_conf model_dict["infos"]["final_metrics"] = metrics os.makedirs(publish_dir, exist_ok=True), os.path.join(publish_dir, "model.pth")) print(PLEASE_PUBLISH.format(publish_dir)) return model_dict
[docs]def upload_publishable( publish_dir, uploader=None, affiliation=None, git_username=None, token=None, force_publish=False, use_sandbox=False, unit_test=False, ): """Entry point to upload publishable model. Args: publish_dir (str): Path to the publishing directory. Usually under exp/exp_name/publish_dir uploader (str): Full name of the uploader (Ex: Manuel Pariente) affiliation (str, optional): Affiliation (no accent). git_username (str, optional): GitHub username. token (str): Access token generated to upload depositions. force_publish (bool): Whether to directly publish without asking confirmation before. Defaults to False. use_sandbox (bool): Whether to use Zenodo's sandbox instead of the official Zenodo. unit_test (bool): If True, we do not ask user input and do not publish. """ def get_answer(): out = input("\n\nDo you want to publish it now (irreversible)? y/n" "(Recommended: n).\n") if out not in ["y", "n"]: print(f"\nExpected one of [`y`, `n`], received {out}, please retry.") return get_answer() return out if uploader is None: raise ValueError("Need uploader name") # Make publishable model and save it model_path = os.path.join(publish_dir, "model.pth") publish_model_path = os.path.join(publish_dir, "published_model.pth") model = torch.load(model_path) model = _populate_publishable( model, uploader=uploader, affiliation=affiliation, git_username=git_username, ), publish_model_path) # Get Zenodo access token if token is None: token = os.getenv("ACCESS_TOKEN") if token is None: raise ValueError( "Need an access token to Zenodo to upload the model. Either " "set ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable or pass it directly " "(`asteroid-upload --token ...`)." "If you do not have a access token, first create a Zenodo " "account (, create a token " "" "and you are all set to help us! =)" ) # Do the actual upload zen, dep_id = zenodo_upload( model, token, model_path=publish_model_path, use_sandbox=use_sandbox ) address = os.path.join(zen.zenodo_address, "deposit", str(dep_id)) if force_publish: r_publish = zen.publish_deposition(dep_id) pprint(r_publish.json()) print("You can also visit it at {}".format(address)) return r_publish # Give choice current = zen.get_deposition(dep_id) print(f"\n\n This is the current state of the deposition " f"(see here {address}): ") pprint(current.json()) # Patch to run unit test if unit_test: return zen, current else: inp = get_answer() # Get user input if inp == "y": _ = zen.publish_deposition(dep_id) print("Visit it at {}".format(address)) else: print(f"Did not finalize the upload, please visit {address} to finalize " f"it.")
def _populate_publishable(model, uploader=None, affiliation=None, git_username=None): """Populate infos in publishable model. Args: model (dict): Model to publish, with `infos` key, at least. uploader (str): Full name of the uploader (Ex: Manuel Pariente) affiliation (str, optional): Affiliation (no accent). git_username (str, optional): GitHub username. Returns: dict (model), same as input `model` .. note:: If a `git_username` is not specified, we look for it somehow, or take the laptop username. """ # Get username somehow if git_username is None: git_username = get_username() # Example: mpariente/ConvTasNet_WHAM_sepclean model_name = "_".join([model["model_name"], model["dataset"], model["task"].replace("_", "")]) upload_name = git_username + "/" + model_name # Write License Notice license_note = make_license_notice(model_name, model["licenses"], uploader=uploader) # Add infos model["infos"]["uploader"] = uploader model["infos"]["git_username"] = git_username model["infos"]["affiliation"] = affiliation if affiliation else "Unknown" model["infos"]["upload_name"] = upload_name model["infos"]["license_note"] = license_note return model
[docs]def get_username(): """ Get git of FS username for upload. """ username = subprocess.check_output(["git", "config", ""]) username = username.decode("utf-8")[:-1] if not username: # Empty string import getpass username = getpass.getuser() return username
[docs]def make_license_notice(model_name, licenses, uploader=None): """Make license notice based on license dicts. Args: model_name (str): Name of the model. licenses (List[dict]): List of dict with keys (`title`, `title_link`, `author`, `author_link`, `licence`, `licence_link`). uploader (str): Name of the uploader such as "Manuel Pariente". Returns: str, the license note describing the model, it's attribution, the original licenses, what we license it under and the licensor. """ if uploader is None: raise ValueError("Cannot share model without uploader.") note = 'This work "{}" is a derivative '.format(model_name) for l_dict in licenses: # Clickable links in HTML. title = HREF.format(l_dict["title_link"], l_dict["title"]) author = HREF.format(l_dict["author_link"], l_dict["author"]) license_h = HREF.format(l_dict["license_link"], l_dict["license"]) comm = " (Research only)" if l_dict["non_commercial"] else "" note += f"of {title} by {author}, used under {license_h}{comm}" note += "; " note = note[:-2] + ". " # Remove the last ; cc_sa = HREF.format(CC_SA_LINK, CC_SA) note += f'"{model_name}" is licensed under {cc_sa} by {uploader}.' return note
[docs]def zenodo_upload(model, token, model_path=None, use_sandbox=False): """Create deposit and upload metadata + model Args: model (dict): token (str): Access token. model_path (str): Saved model path. use_sandbox (bool): Whether to use Zenodo's sandbox instead of the official Zenodo. Returns: Zenodo (Zenodo instance with access token) int (deposit ID) .. note::If `model_path` is not specified, save the model in tmp.pth and remove it after upload. """ model_path_was_none = False if model_path is None: model_path_was_none = True model_path = "tmp.pth", model_path) # raise ValueError("Need path") zen = Zenodo(token, use_sandbox=use_sandbox) metadata = make_metadata_from_model(model) r = zen.create_new_deposition(metadata=metadata) if r.status_code != 200: print(r.json()) raise RuntimeError("Could not create the deposition, check the " "provided token.") dep_id = r.json()["id"] _ = zen.upload_new_file_to_deposition(dep_id, model_path, name="model.pth") if model_path_was_none: os.remove(model_path) return zen, dep_id
[docs]def make_metadata_from_model(model): """Create Zenodo deposit metadata for a given publishable model. Args: model (dict): Dictionary with all infos needed to publish. More info to come. Returns: dict, the metadata to create the Zenodo deposit with. .. note::We remove the PESQ from the final results as a license is needed to use it. """ infos = model["infos"] # Description section description = "<p><strong>Description: </strong></p>" tmp = "This model was trained by {} using the {} recipe in {}. " description += tmp.format(infos["uploader"], infos["recipe_name"], ASTEROID_REF) tmp = "</a>It was trained on the <code>{}</code> task of the {} dataset.</p>" description += tmp.format(model["task"], model["dataset"]) # Training config section description += "<p>&nbsp;</p>" description += "<p><strong>Training config:</strong></p>" description += two_level_dict_html(infos["training_config"]) # Results section description += "<p>&nbsp;</p>" description += "<p><strong>Results:</strong></p>" display_result = {k: v for k, v in infos["final_metrics"].items() if "pesq" not in k.lower()} description += display_one_level_dict(display_result) # Software section description += "<p>&nbsp;</p>" description += "<p><strong>Versions:</strong></p>" description += display_one_level_dict(infos["software_versions"]) # License section description += "<p>&nbsp;</p>" description += "<p><strong>License notice:</strong></p>" description += infos["license_note"] # Putting it together. metadata = { "title": infos["upload_name"], "upload_type": "software", "description": description, "creators": [{"name": infos["uploader"], "affiliation": infos["affiliation"]}], "communities": [{"identifier": "zenodo"}, {"identifier": "asteroid-models"}], "keywords": [ "Asteroid", "audio source separation", model["dataset"], model["task"], model["model_name"], "pretrained model", ], "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0", } return metadata
[docs]def two_level_dict_html(dic): """Two-level dict to HTML. Args: dic (dict): two-level dict Returns: str for HTML-encoded two level dic """ html = "<ul>" for k in dic.keys(): # Open field html += f"<li>{k}: <ul>" for k2 in dic[k].keys(): val = str(dic[k][k2]) html += f"<li>{k2}: {val}</li>" # Close field html += "</il></ul>" html += "</ul>" return html
[docs]def display_one_level_dict(dic): """Single level dict to HTML Args: dic (dict): Returns: str for HTML-encoded single level dic """ html = "<ul>" for k in dic.keys(): # Open field val = str(dic[k]) html += f"<li>{k}: {val} </li>" html += "</ul>" return html
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