
Source code for asteroid.models.base_models

import os
import warnings

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn

from ..masknn import activations
from ..utils.torch_utils import pad_x_to_y
from ..utils.hub_utils import cached_download

def _unsqueeze_to_3d(x):
    if x.ndim == 1:
        return x.reshape(1, 1, -1)
    elif x.ndim == 2:
        return x.unsqueeze(1)
        return x

[docs]class BaseModel(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def separate(self, wav, output_dir=None, force_overwrite=False, **kwargs): """Infer separated sources from input waveforms. Also supports filenames. Args: wav (Union[torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray, str]): waveform array/tensor. Shape: 1D, 2D or 3D tensor, time last. output_dir (str): path to save all the wav files. If None, estimated sources will be saved next to the original ones. force_overwrite (bool): whether to overwrite existing files. **kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed to `_separate`. Returns: Union[torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray, None], the estimated sources. (batch, n_src, time) or (n_src, time) w/o batch dim. .. note:: By default, `separate` calls `_separate` which calls `forward`. For models whose `forward` doesn't return waveform tensors, overwrite `_separate` to return waveform tensors. """ if isinstance(wav, str): self.file_separate( wav, output_dir=output_dir, force_overwrite=force_overwrite, **kwargs ) elif isinstance(wav, np.ndarray): return self.numpy_separate(wav, **kwargs) elif isinstance(wav, torch.Tensor): return self.torch_separate(wav, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError( f"Only support filenames, numpy arrays and torch tensors, received {type(wav)}" )
[docs] def torch_separate(self, wav: torch.Tensor, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor: """ Core logic of `separate`.""" # Handle device placement input_device = wav.device model_device = next(self.parameters()).device wav = # Forward out_wavs = self._separate(wav, **kwargs) # FIXME: for now this is the best we can do. out_wavs *= wav.abs().sum() / (out_wavs.abs().sum()) # Back to input device (and numpy if necessary) out_wavs = return out_wavs
[docs] def numpy_separate(self, wav: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """ Numpy interface to `separate`.""" wav = torch.from_numpy(wav) out_wav = self.torch_separate(wav, **kwargs) out_wav = return out_wav
[docs] def file_separate( self, filename: str, output_dir=None, force_overwrite=False, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Filename interface to `separate`.""" import soundfile as sf wav, fs =, dtype="float32", always_2d=True) # FIXME: support only single-channel files for now. to_save = self.numpy_separate(wav[:, 0], **kwargs) # Save wav files to filename_est1.wav etc... for src_idx, est_src in enumerate(to_save): base = ".".join(filename.split(".")[:-1]) save_name = base + "_est{}.".format(src_idx + 1) + filename.split(".")[-1] if os.path.isfile(save_name) and not force_overwrite: warnings.warn( f"File {save_name} already exists, pass `force_overwrite=True` to overwrite it", UserWarning, ) return if output_dir is not None: save_name = os.path.join(output_dir, save_name.split("/")[-1]) sf.write(save_name, est_src, fs)
def _separate(self, wav, *args, **kwargs): """Hidden separation method Args: wav (Union[torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray, str]): waveform array/tensor. Shape: 1D, 2D or 3D tensor, time last. Returns: The output of self(wav, *args, **kwargs). """ return self(wav, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_pretrained(cls, pretrained_model_conf_or_path, *args, **kwargs): """Instantiate separation model from a model config (file or dict). Args: pretrained_model_conf_or_path (Union[dict, str]): model conf as returned by `serialize`, or path to it. Need to contain `model_args` and `state_dict` keys. *args: Positional arguments to be passed to the model. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to be passed to the model. They overwrite the ones in the model package. Returns: nn.Module corresponding to the pretrained model conf/URL. Raises: ValueError if the input config file doesn't contain the keys `model_name`, `model_args` or `state_dict`. """ from . import get # Avoid circular imports if isinstance(pretrained_model_conf_or_path, str): cached_model = cached_download(pretrained_model_conf_or_path) conf = torch.load(cached_model, map_location="cpu") else: conf = pretrained_model_conf_or_path if "model_name" not in conf.keys(): raise ValueError( "Expected config dictionary to have field " "model_name`. Found only: {}".format(conf.keys()) ) if "state_dict" not in conf.keys(): raise ValueError( "Expected config dictionary to have field " "state_dict`. Found only: {}".format(conf.keys()) ) if "model_args" not in conf.keys(): raise ValueError( "Expected config dictionary to have field " "model_args`. Found only: {}".format(conf.keys()) ) conf["model_args"].update(kwargs) # kwargs overwrite config. # Attempt to find the model and instantiate it. try: model_class = get(conf["model_name"]) except ValueError: # Couldn't get the model, maybe custom. model = cls(*args, **conf["model_args"]) # Child class. else: model = model_class(*args, **conf["model_args"]) model.load_state_dict(conf["state_dict"]) return model
[docs] def serialize(self): """Serialize model and output dictionary. Returns: dict, serialized model with keys `model_args` and `state_dict`. """ import pytorch_lightning as pl # Not used in torch.hub from .. import __version__ as asteroid_version # Avoid circular imports model_conf = dict( model_name=self.__class__.__name__, state_dict=self.get_state_dict(), model_args=self.get_model_args(), ) # Additional infos infos = dict() infos["software_versions"] = dict( torch_version=torch.__version__, pytorch_lightning_version=pl.__version__, asteroid_version=asteroid_version, ) model_conf["infos"] = infos return model_conf
[docs] def get_state_dict(self): """ In case the state dict needs to be modified before sharing the model.""" return self.state_dict()
[docs] def get_model_args(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class BaseEncoderMaskerDecoder(BaseModel): """Base class for encoder-masker-decoder separation models. Args: encoder (Encoder): Encoder instance. masker (nn.Module): masker network. decoder (Decoder): Decoder instance. encoder_activation (Optional[str], optional): Activation to apply after encoder. See ``asteroid.masknn.activations`` for valid values. """ def __init__(self, encoder, masker, decoder, encoder_activation=None): super().__init__() self.encoder = encoder self.masker = masker self.decoder = decoder self.encoder_activation = encoder_activation self.enc_activation = activations.get(encoder_activation or "linear")()
[docs] def forward(self, wav): """Enc/Mask/Dec model forward Args: wav (torch.Tensor): waveform tensor. 1D, 2D or 3D tensor, time last. Returns: torch.Tensor, of shape (batch, n_src, time) or (n_src, time). """ # Handle 1D, 2D or n-D inputs was_one_d = wav.ndim == 1 # Reshape to (batch, n_mix, time) wav = _unsqueeze_to_3d(wav) # Real forward tf_rep = self.encoder(wav) tf_rep = self.postprocess_encoded(tf_rep) tf_rep = self.enc_activation(tf_rep) est_masks = self.masker(tf_rep) est_masks = self.postprocess_masks(est_masks) masked_tf_rep = est_masks * tf_rep.unsqueeze(1) masked_tf_rep = self.postprocess_masked(masked_tf_rep) decoded = self.decoder(masked_tf_rep) decoded = self.postprocess_decoded(decoded) reconstructed = pad_x_to_y(decoded, wav) if was_one_d: return reconstructed.squeeze(0) else: return reconstructed
[docs] def postprocess_encoded(self, tf_rep): """Hook to perform transformations on the encoded, time-frequency domain representation (output of the encoder) before encoder activation is applied. Args: tf_rep (Tensor of shape (batch, freq, time)): Output of the encoder, before encoder activation is applied. Return: Transformed `tf_rep` """ return tf_rep
[docs] def postprocess_masks(self, masks): """Hook to perform transformations on the masks (output of the masker) before masks are applied. Args: masks (Tensor of shape (batch, n_src, freq, time)): Output of the masker Return: Transformed `masks` """ return masks
[docs] def postprocess_masked(self, masked_tf_rep): """Hook to perform transformations on the masked time-frequency domain representation (result of masking in the time-frequency domain) before decoding. Args: masked_tf_rep (Tensor of shape (batch, n_src, freq, time)): Masked time-frequency representation, before decoding. Return: Transformed `masked_tf_rep` """ return masked_tf_rep
[docs] def postprocess_decoded(self, decoded): """Hook to perform transformations on the decoded, time domain representation (output of the decoder) before original shape reconstruction. Args: decoded (Tensor of shape (batch, n_src, time)): Output of the decoder, before original shape reconstruction. Return: Transformed `decoded` """ return decoded
[docs] def get_model_args(self): """ Arguments needed to re-instantiate the model. """ fb_config = self.encoder.filterbank.get_config() masknet_config = self.masker.get_config() # Assert both dict are disjoint if not all(k not in fb_config for k in masknet_config): raise AssertionError( "Filterbank and Mask network config share" "common keys. Merging them is not safe." ) # Merge all args under model_args. model_args = { **fb_config, **masknet_config, "encoder_activation": self.encoder_activation, } return model_args
# Backwards compatibility BaseTasNet = BaseEncoderMaskerDecoder
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