
Source code for asteroid.masknn.base

import numpy as np
import torch

from .. import complex_nn

[docs]class BaseUNet(torch.nn.Module): """Base class for u-nets with skip connections between encoders and decoders. (For u-nets without skip connections, simply use a `nn.Sequential`.) Args: encoders (List[torch.nn.Module]): List of encoders decoders (List[torch.nn.Module]): List of decoders intermediate_layer (Optional[torch.nn.Module], optional): Layer between last encoder and first decoder. output_layer (Optional[torch.nn.Module], optional): Layer after last decoder. """ def __init__( self, encoders, decoders, *, intermediate_layer=None, output_layer=None, ): super().__init__() self.encoders = torch.nn.ModuleList(encoders) self.decoders = torch.nn.ModuleList(decoders) self.intermediate_layer = intermediate_layer or torch.nn.Identity() self.output_layer = output_layer or torch.nn.Identity()
[docs] def forward(self, x): enc_outs = [] for idx, enc in enumerate(self.encoders): x = enc(x) enc_outs.append(x) x = self.intermediate_layer(x) for idx, (enc_out, dec) in enumerate(zip(reversed(enc_outs[:-1]), self.decoders)): x = dec(x) x =[x, enc_out], dim=1) return self.output_layer(x)
[docs]class BaseDCUMaskNet(BaseUNet): """Base class for DCU-style mask nets. Used for DCUMaskNet and DCCRMaskNet. The preferred way to instantiate this class is to use the ``default_architecture()`` classmethod. Args: encoders (list of length `N` of tuples of (in_chan, out_chan, kernel_size, stride, padding)): Arguments of encoders of the u-net decoders (list of length `N` of tuples of (in_chan, out_chan, kernel_size, stride, padding)) Arguments of decoders of the u-net mask_bound (Optional[str], optional): Type of mask bound to use, as defined in [1]. Valid values are "tanh" ("BDT mask"), "sigmoid" ("BDSS mask"), None (unbounded mask). Input shape is expected to be [batch, n_freqs, time], with `n_freqs - 1` divisible by `f_0 * f_1 * ... * f_N` where `f_k` are the frequency strides of the encoders. References: [1] : "Phase-aware Speech Enhancement with Deep Complex U-Net", Hyeong-Seok Choi et al. """ _architectures = NotImplemented
[docs] @classmethod def default_architecture(cls, architecture: str, **kwargs): """Create a masknet instance from a predefined, named architecture. Args: architecture (str): Name of predefined architecture. Valid values are dependent on the concrete subclass of ``BaseDCUMaskNet``. kwargs (optional): Passed to ``__init__`. """ encoders, decoders = cls._architectures[architecture] return cls(encoders, decoders, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, encoders, decoders, mask_bound="tanh", **kwargs): self.encoder_args = encoders self.decoder_args = decoders self.mask_bound = mask_bound # Avoid circual import from .convolutional import DCUNetComplexDecoderBlock, DCUNetComplexEncoderBlock super().__init__( encoders=[DCUNetComplexEncoderBlock(*args) for args in encoders], decoders=[DCUNetComplexDecoderBlock(*args) for args in decoders], output_layer=torch.nn.Sequential( complex_nn.ComplexConvTranspose2d(*decoders[-1]), complex_nn.BoundComplexMask(mask_bound), ), **kwargs, ) @property def encoders_stride_product(self): return[enc_stride for _, _, _, enc_stride, _ in self.encoder_args], axis=0) @property def decoders_stride_product(self): return[enc_stride for _, _, _, enc_stride, _ in self.decoder_args], axis=0)
[docs] def forward(self, x): # TODO: We can probably lift the shape requirements once Keras-style "same" # padding for convolutions has landed: freq_prod, time_prod = self.encoders_stride_product if (x.shape[1] - 1) % freq_prod or (x.shape[2] - 1) % time_prod: raise TypeError( f"Input shape must be [batch, freq + 1, time + 1] with freq divisible by " f"{freq_prod} and time divisible by {time_prod}, got {x.shape} instead" ) return super().forward(x.unsqueeze(1))
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