
Source code for asteroid.dsp.overlap_add

import torch
from scipy.signal import get_window
from asteroid.losses import PITLossWrapper
from torch import nn

[docs]class LambdaOverlapAdd(torch.nn.Module): """Overlap-add with lambda transform on segments. Segment input signal, apply lambda function (a neural network for example) and combine with OLA. Args: nnet (callable): Function to apply to each segment. n_src (int): Number of sources in the output of nnet. window_size (int): Size of segmenting window. hop_size (int): Segmentation hop size. window (str): Name of the window (see scipy.signal.get_window) used for the synthesis. reorder_chunks (bool): Whether to reorder each consecutive segment. This might be useful when `nnet` is permutation invariant, as source assignements might change output channel from one segment to the next (in classic speech separation for example). Reordering is performed based on the correlation between the overlapped part of consecutive segment. Examples: >>> from asteroid import ConvTasNet >>> nnet = ConvTasNet(n_src=2) >>> continuous_nnet = LambdaOverlapAdd( >>> nnet=nnet, >>> n_src=2, >>> window_size=64000, >>> hop_size=None, >>> window="hanning", >>> reorder_chunks=True, >>> enable_grad=False, >>> ) >>> wav = torch.randn(1, 1, 500000) >>> out_wavs = continuous_nnet.forward(wav) """ def __init__( self, nnet, n_src, window_size, hop_size=None, window="hanning", reorder_chunks=True, enable_grad=False, ): super().__init__() assert window_size % 2 == 0, "Window size must be even" self.nnet = nnet self.window_size = window_size self.hop_size = hop_size if hop_size is not None else window_size // 2 self.n_src = n_src if window: window = get_window(window, self.window_size).astype("float32") window = torch.from_numpy(window) self.use_window = True else: self.use_window = False self.register_buffer("window", window) self.reorder_chunks = reorder_chunks self.enable_grad = enable_grad
[docs] def ola_forward(self, x): """Heart of the class: segment signal, apply func, combine with OLA.""" assert x.ndim == 3 batch, channels, n_frames = x.size() # Overlap and add: # [batch, chans, n_frames] -> [batch, chans, win_size, n_chunks] unfolded = torch.nn.functional.unfold( x.unsqueeze(-1), kernel_size=(self.window_size, 1), padding=(self.window_size, 0), stride=(self.hop_size, 1), ) out = [] n_chunks = unfolded.shape[-1] for frame_idx in range(n_chunks): # for loop to spare memory frame = self.nnet(unfolded[..., frame_idx]) # user must handle multichannel by reshaping to batch if frame_idx == 0: assert frame.ndim == 3, "nnet should return (batch, n_src, time)" assert frame.shape[1] == self.n_src, "nnet should return (batch, n_src, time)" frame = frame.reshape(batch * self.n_src, -1) if frame_idx != 0 and self.reorder_chunks: # we determine best perm based on xcorr with previous sources frame = _reorder_sources( frame, out[-1], self.n_src, self.window_size, self.hop_size ) if self.use_window: frame = frame * self.window else: frame = frame / (self.window_size / self.hop_size) out.append(frame) out = torch.stack(out).reshape(n_chunks, batch * self.n_src, self.window_size) out = out.permute(1, 2, 0) out = torch.nn.functional.fold( out, (n_frames, 1), kernel_size=(self.window_size, 1), padding=(self.window_size, 0), stride=(self.hop_size, 1), ) return out.squeeze(-1).reshape(batch, self.n_src, -1)
[docs] def forward(self, x): """Forward module: segment signal, apply func, combine with OLA. Args: x (:class:`torch.Tensor`): waveform signal of shape (batch, 1, time). Returns: :class:`torch.Tensor`: The output of the lambda OLA. """ # Here we can do the reshaping with torch.autograd.set_grad_enabled(self.enable_grad): olad = self.ola_forward(x) return olad
def _reorder_sources( current: torch.FloatTensor, previous: torch.FloatTensor, n_src: int, window_size: int, hop_size: int, ): """ Reorder sources in current chunk to maximize correlation with previous chunk. Used for Continuous Source Separation. Standard dsp correlation is used for reordering. Args: current (:class:`torch.Tensor`): current chunk, tensor of shape (batch, n_src, window_size) previous (:class:`torch.Tensor`): previous chunk, tensor of shape (batch, n_src, window_size) n_src (:class:`int`): number of sources. window_size (:class:`int`): window_size, equal to last dimension of both current and previous. hop_size (:class:`int`): hop_size between current and previous tensors. Returns: current: """ batch, frames = current.size() current = current.reshape(-1, n_src, frames) previous = previous.reshape(-1, n_src, frames) overlap_f = window_size - hop_size def reorder_func(x, y): x = x[..., :overlap_f] y = y[..., -overlap_f:] # Mean normalization x = x - x.mean(-1, keepdim=True) y = y - y.mean(-1, keepdim=True) # Negative mean Correlation return -torch.sum(x.unsqueeze(1) * y.unsqueeze(2), dim=-1) # We maximize correlation-like between previous and current. pit = PITLossWrapper(reorder_func) current = pit(current, previous, return_est=True)[1] return current.reshape(batch, frames)
[docs]class DualPathProcessing(nn.Module): """Perform Dual-Path processing via overlap-add as in DPRNN [1]. Args: chunk_size (int): Size of segmenting window. hop_size (int): segmentation hop size. References: [1] "Dual-path RNN: efficient long sequence modeling for time-domain single-channel speech separation", Yi Luo, Zhuo Chen and Takuya Yoshioka. """ def __init__(self, chunk_size, hop_size): super(DualPathProcessing, self).__init__() self.chunk_size = chunk_size self.hop_size = hop_size self.n_orig_frames = None
[docs] def unfold(self, x): """Unfold the feature tensor from (batch, channels, time) to (batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks). Args: x: (:class:`torch.Tensor`): feature tensor of shape (batch, channels, time). Returns: x: (:class:`torch.Tensor`): spliced feature tensor of shape (batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks). """ # x is (batch, chan, frames) batch, chan, frames = x.size() assert x.ndim == 3 self.n_orig_frames = x.shape[-1] unfolded = torch.nn.functional.unfold( x.unsqueeze(-1), kernel_size=(self.chunk_size, 1), padding=(self.chunk_size, 0), stride=(self.hop_size, 1), ) return unfolded.reshape( batch, chan, self.chunk_size, -1 ) # (batch, chan, chunk_size, n_chunks)
[docs] def fold(self, x, output_size=None): """Folds back the spliced feature tensor. Input shape (batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks) to original shape (batch, channels, time) using overlap-add. Args: x: (:class:`torch.Tensor`): spliced feature tensor of shape (batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks). output_size: (int, optional): sequence length of original feature tensor. If None, the original length cached by the previous call of `unfold` will be used. Returns: x: (:class:`torch.Tensor`): feature tensor of shape (batch, channels, time). .. note:: `fold` caches the original length of the pr """ output_size = output_size if output_size is not None else self.n_orig_frames # x is (batch, chan, chunk_size, n_chunks) batch, chan, chunk_size, n_chunks = x.size() to_unfold = x.reshape(batch, chan * self.chunk_size, n_chunks) x = torch.nn.functional.fold( to_unfold, (output_size, 1), kernel_size=(self.chunk_size, 1), padding=(self.chunk_size, 0), stride=(self.hop_size, 1), ) x /= self.chunk_size / self.hop_size return x.reshape(batch, chan, self.n_orig_frames)
[docs] @staticmethod def intra_process(x, module): """Performs intra-chunk processing. Args: x (:class:`torch.Tensor`): spliced feature tensor of shape (batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks). module (:class:`torch.nn.Module`): module one wish to apply to each chunk of the spliced feature tensor. Returns: x (:class:`torch.Tensor`): processed spliced feature tensor of shape (batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks). .. note:: the module should have the channel first convention and accept a 3D tensor of shape (batch, channels, time). """ # x is (batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks) batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks = x.size() # we reshape to batch*chunk_size, channels, n_chunks x = x.transpose(1, -1).reshape(batch * n_chunks, chunk_size, channels).transpose(1, -1) x = module(x) x = x.reshape(batch, n_chunks, channels, chunk_size).transpose(1, -1).transpose(1, 2) return x
[docs] @staticmethod def inter_process(x, module): """Performs inter-chunk processing. Args: x (:class:`torch.Tensor`): spliced feature tensor of shape (batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks). module (:class:`torch.nn.Module`): module one wish to apply between each chunk of the spliced feature tensor. Returns: x (:class:`torch.Tensor`): processed spliced feature tensor of shape (batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks). .. note:: the module should have the channel first convention and accept a 3D tensor of shape (batch, channels, time). """ batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks = x.size() x = x.transpose(1, 2).reshape(batch * chunk_size, channels, n_chunks) x = module(x) x = x.reshape(batch, chunk_size, channels, n_chunks).transpose(1, 2) return x
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