
Source code for asteroid.complex_nn

"""Complex building blocks that work with _PyTorch native_ complex tensors, i.e.
dtypes complex64/complex128, or tensors for which `.is_complex()` returns True.

Note that Asteroid code has two other representations of complex numbers:

- Torchaudio representation [..., 2] where [..., 0] and [..., 1] are real and
  imaginary components, respectively
- Asteroid style representation, identical to the Torchaudio representation, but
  with the last dimension concatenated: tensor([r1, r2, ..., rn, i1, i2, ..., in]).
  The concatenated (2 * n) dimension may be at an arbitrary position, i.e. the tensor
  is of shape [..., 2 * n, ...].  See `asteroid.filterbanks.transforms` for details.
import functools
import torch
import torchaudio
from torch import nn
from asteroid.filterbanks import transforms

# Alias to denote PyTorch native complex tensor (complex64/complex128).
# `.is_complex()` returns True on these tensors.
ComplexTensor = torch.Tensor

[docs]def is_torch_complex(x): return x.is_complex()
[docs]def torch_complex_from_magphase(mag, phase): return as_torch_complex((mag * torch.cos(phase), mag * torch.sin(phase)))
[docs]def as_torch_complex(x, asteroid_dim=-2): """Convert complex `x` to complex. Input may be one of: - PyTorch native complex - Torchaudio style complex - Asteroid style complex - Tuple or list of (real, imaginary) components Args: asteroid_dim (int, optional): Dimension to check for Asteroid-style complex. :Raises: ValueError: If type of `x` is not understood. """ if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)) and len(x) == 2: return torch.view_as_complex(torch.stack(x, dim=-1)) elif is_torch_complex(x): return x else: is_torchaudio_complex = transforms.is_torchaudio_complex(x) is_asteroid_complex = transforms.is_asteroid_complex(x, asteroid_dim) if is_torchaudio_complex and is_asteroid_complex: raise ValueError( f"Tensor of shape {x.shape} is both a valid Torchaudio-style and " "Asteroid-style complex. PyTorch complex conversion is ambiguous." ) elif is_torchaudio_complex: return torch.view_as_complex(x) elif is_asteroid_complex: return torch.view_as_complex(transforms.to_torchaudio(x, asteroid_dim)) else: raise ValueError( f"Do not know how to convert tensor of shape {x.shape}, dtype={x.dtype} to complex" )
[docs]def on_reim(f): """Make a complex-valued function callable from a real-valued one by applying it to the real and imaginary components independently. :Return: cf(x), complex version of `f`: A function that applies `f` to the real and imaginary components of `x` and returns the result as PyTorch complex tensor. """ @functools.wraps(f) def cf(x): return as_torch_complex((f(x.real), f(x.imag))) # functools.wraps keeps the original name of `f`, which might be confusing, # since we are creating a new function that behaves differently. # Both __name__ and __qualname__ are used by printing code. cf.__name__ == f"{f.__name__} (complex)" cf.__qualname__ == f"{f.__qualname__} (complex)" return cf
[docs]class OnReIm(nn.Module): """Like `on_reim`, but for stateful modules. Args: module_cls (callable): A class or function that returns a Torch module/functional. Called 2x with *args, **kwargs, to construct the real and imaginary component modules. """ def __init__(self, module_cls, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.re_module = module_cls(*args, **kwargs) self.im_module = module_cls(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def forward(self, x): return as_torch_complex((self.re_module(x.real), self.im_module(x.imag)))
[docs]class ComplexMultiplicationWrapper(nn.Module): """Make a complex-valued module `F` from a real-valued module `f` by applying complex multiplication rules: F(a + i b) = f1(a) - f1(b) + i (f2(b) + f2(a)) where `f1`, `f2` are instances of `f` that do *not* share weights. Args: module_cls (callable): A class or function that returns a Torch module/functional. Constructor of `f` in the formula above. Called 2x with *args, **kwargs, to construct the real and imaginary component modules. """ def __init__(self, module_cls, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.re_module = module_cls(*args, **kwargs) self.im_module = module_cls(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def forward(self, x: ComplexTensor) -> ComplexTensor: return as_torch_complex( ( self.re_module(x.real) - self.im_module(x.imag), self.re_module(x.imag) + self.im_module(x.real), ) )
ComplexConv2d = functools.partial(ComplexMultiplicationWrapper, nn.Conv2d) ComplexConvTranspose2d = functools.partial(ComplexMultiplicationWrapper, nn.ConvTranspose2d)
[docs]class BoundComplexMask(nn.Module): """Module version of `bound_complex_mask`""" def __init__(self, bound_type): super().__init__() self.bound_type = bound_type
[docs] def forward(self, mask: ComplexTensor): return bound_complex_mask(mask, self.bound_type)
[docs]def bound_complex_mask(mask: ComplexTensor, bound_type="tanh"): r"""Bound a complex mask, as proposed in [1], section 3.2. Valid bound types, for a complex mask $M = |M| ⋅ e^{i φ(M)}$: - Unbounded ("UBD"): $M_{\mathrm{UBD}} = M$ - Sigmoid ("BDSS"): $M_{\mathrm{BDSS}} = σ(|M|) e^{i σ(φ(M))}$ - Tanh ("BDT"): $M_{\mathrm{BDT}} = \mathrm{tanh}(|M|) e^{i φ(M)}$ Args: bound_type (str or None): The type of bound to use, either of "tanh"/"bdt" (default), "sigmoid"/"bdss" or None/"bdt". References: [1] : "Phase-aware Speech Enhancement with Deep Complex U-Net", Hyeong-Seok Choi et al. """ if bound_type in {"BDSS", "sigmoid"}: return on_reim(torch.sigmoid)(mask) elif bound_type in {"BDT", "tanh", "UBD", None}: mask_mag, mask_phase = torchaudio.functional.magphase(torch.view_as_real(mask)) if bound_type in {"BDT", "tanh"}: mask_mag_bounded = torch.tanh(mask_mag) else: mask_mag_bounded = mask_mag return torch_complex_from_magphase(mask_mag_bounded, mask_phase) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown mask bound {bound_type}")
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