Source code for asteroid.losses.pmsqe

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import tensor
import torch.nn as nn
from import loadmat
import pathlib
import os

[docs]class SingleSrcPMSQE(nn.Module): """ Computes the Perceptual Metric for Speech Quality Evaluation (PMSQE) as described in [1]. This version is only designed for 16 kHz (512 length DFT). Adaptation to 8 kHz could be done by changing the parameters of the class (see Tensorflow implementation). The SLL, frequency and gain equalization are applied in each sequence independently. Parameters: window_name (str): Select the used window function for the correct factor to be applied. Defaults to sqrt hanning window. Among ['rect', 'hann', 'sqrt_hann', 'hamming', 'flatTop']. window_weight (float, optional): Correction to the window factor applied. bark_eq (bool, optional): Whether to apply bark equalization. gain_eq (bool, optional): Whether to apply gain equalization. sample_rate (int): Sample rate of the input audio. References: [1] J.M.Martin, A.M.Gomez, J.A.Gonzalez, A.M.Peinado 'A Deep Learning Loss Function based on the Perceptual Evaluation of the Speech Quality', IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2018. Implemented by Juan M. Martin. Contact: Copyright 2019: University of Granada, Signal Processing, Multimedia Transmission and Speech/Audio Technologies (SigMAT) Group. .. note:: Inspired on the Perceptual Evaluation of the Speech Quality (PESQ) algorithm, this function consists of two regularization factors : the symmetrical and asymmetrical distortion in the loudness domain. Examples: >>> import torch >>> from asteroid.filterbanks import STFTFB, Encoder, transforms >>> from asteroid.losses import PITLossWrapper, SingleSrcPMSQE >>> stft = Encoder(STFTFB(kernel_size=512, n_filters=512, stride=256)) >>> # Usage by itself >>> ref, est = torch.randn(2, 1, 16000), torch.randn(2, 1, 16000) >>> ref_spec = transforms.take_mag(stft(ref)) >>> est_spec = transforms.take_mag(stft(est)) >>> loss_func = SingleSrcPMSQE() >>> loss_value = loss_func(est_spec, ref_spec) >>> # Usage with PITLossWrapper >>> loss_func = PITLossWrapper(SingleSrcPMSQE(), pit_from='pw_pt') >>> ref, est = torch.randn(2, 3, 16000), torch.randn(2, 3, 16000) >>> ref_spec = transforms.take_mag(stft(ref)) >>> est_spec = transforms.take_mag(stft(est)) >>> loss_value = loss_func(ref_spec, est_spec) """ def __init__( self, window_name="sqrt_hann", window_weight=1.0, bark_eq=True, gain_eq=True, sample_rate=16000, ): super().__init__() self.window_name = window_name self.window_weight = window_weight self.bark_eq = bark_eq self.gain_eq = gain_eq if sample_rate not in [16000, 8000]: raise ValueError("Unsupported sample rate {}".format(sample_rate)) self.sample_rate = sample_rate if sample_rate == 16000: self.Sp = 6.910853e-006 self.Sl = 1.866055e-001 self.nbins = 512 self.nbark = 49 else: self.Sp = 2.764344e-5 self.Sl = 1.866055e-1 self.nbins = 256 self.nbark = 42 # As described in [1] and used in the TF implementation. self.alpha = 0.1 self.beta = 0.309 * self.alpha pow_correc_factor = self.get_correction_factor(window_name) self.pow_correc_factor = pow_correc_factor * self.window_weight # Initialize to None and populate as a function of sample rate. self.abs_thresh_power = None self.modified_zwicker_power = None self.width_of_band_bark = None self.bark_matrix = None self.mask_sll = None self.populate_constants(self.sample_rate) self.sqrt_total_width = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(self.width_of_band_bark)) self.EPS = 1e-8
[docs] def forward(self, est_targets, targets, pad_mask=None): """ Args est_targets (torch.Tensor): Dimensions (B, T, F). Padded degraded power spectrum in time-frequency domain. targets (torch.Tensor): Dimensions (B, T, F). Zero-Padded reference power spectrum in time-frequency domain. pad_mask (torch.Tensor, optional): Dimensions (B, T, 1). Mask to indicate the padding frames. Defaults to all ones. Dimensions B: Number of sequences in the batch. T: Number of time frames. F: Number of frequency bins. Returns torch.tensor of shape (B, ), wD + 0.309 * wDA Notes Dimensions (B, F, T) are also supported by SingleSrcPMSQE but are less efficient because input tensors are transposed (not inplace). Examples """ assert est_targets.shape == targets.shape # Need transpose? Find it out try: freq_idx = est_targets.shape.index(self.nbins // 2 + 1) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Could not find dimension with {} elements in " "input tensors, verify your inputs" "".format(self.nbins // 2 + 1) ) if freq_idx == 1: est_targets = est_targets.transpose(1, 2) targets = targets.transpose(1, 2) if pad_mask is not None: # Transpose the pad mask as well if needed. pad_mask = pad_mask.transpose(1, 2) if freq_idx == 1 else pad_mask else: # Suppose no padding if no pad_mask is provided. pad_mask = torch.ones( est_targets.shape[0], est_targets.shape[1], 1, device=est_targets.device ) # SLL equalization ref_spectra = self.magnitude_at_sll(targets, pad_mask) deg_spectra = self.magnitude_at_sll(est_targets, pad_mask) # Bark spectra computation ref_bark_spectra = self.bark_computation(ref_spectra) deg_bark_spectra = self.bark_computation(deg_spectra) # (Optional) frequency and gain equalization if self.bark_eq: deg_bark_spectra = self.bark_freq_equalization(ref_bark_spectra, deg_bark_spectra) if self.gain_eq: deg_bark_spectra = self.bark_gain_equalization(ref_bark_spectra, deg_bark_spectra) # Distortion matrix computation sym_d, asym_d = self.compute_distortion_tensors(ref_bark_spectra, deg_bark_spectra) # Per-frame distortion audible_power_ref = self.compute_audible_power(ref_bark_spectra, 1.0) wd_frame, wda_frame = self.per_frame_distortion(sym_d, asym_d, audible_power_ref) # Mean distortions over frames : keep batch dims dims = [-1, -2] pmsqe_frame = (self.alpha * wd_frame + self.beta * wda_frame) * pad_mask pmsqe = torch.sum(pmsqe_frame, dim=dims) / pad_mask.sum(dims) return pmsqe
[docs] def magnitude_at_sll(self, spectra, pad_mask): # Apply padding and SLL masking masked_spectra = spectra * pad_mask * self.mask_sll # Compute mean over frequency freq_mean_masked_spectra = torch.mean(masked_spectra, dim=-1, keepdim=True) # Compute mean over time (taking into account padding) sum_spectra = torch.sum(freq_mean_masked_spectra, dim=-2, keepdim=True) seq_len = torch.sum(pad_mask, dim=-2, keepdim=True) mean_pow = sum_spectra / seq_len # Compute final SLL spectra return 10000000.0 * spectra / mean_pow
[docs] def bark_computation(self, spectra): return self.Sp * torch.matmul(spectra, self.bark_matrix)
[docs] def compute_audible_power(self, bark_spectra, factor=1.0): # Apply absolute hearing threshold to each band thr_bark = torch.where( bark_spectra > self.abs_thresh_power * factor, bark_spectra, torch.zeros_like(bark_spectra), ) # Sum band power over frequency return torch.sum(thr_bark, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
[docs] def bark_gain_equalization(self, ref_bark_spectra, deg_bark_spectra): # Compute audible power audible_power_ref = self.compute_audible_power(ref_bark_spectra, 1.0) audible_power_deg = self.compute_audible_power(deg_bark_spectra, 1.0) # Compute gain factor gain = (audible_power_ref + 5.0e3) / (audible_power_deg + 5.0e3) # Limit the range of the gain factor limited_gain = torch.min(gain, 5.0 * torch.ones_like(gain)) limited_gain = torch.max(limited_gain, 3.0e-4 * torch.ones_like(limited_gain)) # Apply gain correction on degraded return limited_gain * deg_bark_spectra
[docs] def bark_freq_equalization(self, ref_bark_spectra, deg_bark_spectra): """This version is applied in the degraded directly.""" # Identification of speech active frames audible_power_x100 = self.compute_audible_power(ref_bark_spectra, 100.0) not_silent = audible_power_x100 >= 1.0e7 # Threshold for active bark bins cond_thr = ref_bark_spectra >= self.abs_thresh_power * 100.0 ref_thresholded = torch.where( cond_thr, ref_bark_spectra, torch.zeros_like(ref_bark_spectra) ) deg_thresholded = torch.where( cond_thr, deg_bark_spectra, torch.zeros_like(deg_bark_spectra) ) # Total power per bark bin (ppb) avg_ppb_ref = torch.sum( torch.where(not_silent, ref_thresholded, torch.zeros_like(ref_thresholded)), dim=-2, keepdim=True, ) avg_ppb_deg = torch.sum( torch.where(not_silent, deg_thresholded, torch.zeros_like(deg_thresholded)), dim=-2, keepdim=True, ) # Compute equalizer equalizer = (avg_ppb_ref + 1000.0) / (avg_ppb_deg + 1000.0) equalizer = torch.min(equalizer, 100.0 * torch.ones_like(equalizer)) equalizer = torch.max(equalizer, 0.01 * torch.ones_like(equalizer)) # Apply frequency correction on degraded return equalizer * deg_bark_spectra
[docs] def loudness_computation(self, bark_spectra): # Bark spectra transformed to a sone loudness scale using Zwicker's law aterm = torch.pow(self.abs_thresh_power / 0.5, self.modified_zwicker_power) bterm = ( torch.pow(0.5 + 0.5 * bark_spectra / self.abs_thresh_power, self.modified_zwicker_power) - 1.0 ) loudness_dens = self.Sl * aterm * bterm cond = bark_spectra < self.abs_thresh_power return torch.where(cond, torch.zeros_like(loudness_dens), loudness_dens)
[docs] def compute_distortion_tensors(self, ref_bark_spec, deg_bark_spec): # After bark spectra are compensated, transform to sone loudness original_loudness = self.loudness_computation(ref_bark_spec) distorted_loudness = self.loudness_computation(deg_bark_spec) # Loudness difference r = torch.abs(distorted_loudness - original_loudness) # Masking effect computation m = 0.25 * torch.min(original_loudness, distorted_loudness) # Center clipping using masking effect sym_d = torch.max(r - m, torch.ones_like(r) * self.EPS) # Asymmetry factor computation asym = torch.pow((deg_bark_spec + 50.0) / (ref_bark_spec + 50.0), 1.2) cond = asym < 3.0 * torch.ones_like(asym) asym_factor = torch.where( cond, torch.zeros_like(asym), torch.min(asym, 12.0 * torch.ones_like(asym)) ) # Asymmetric Disturbance matrix computation asym_d = asym_factor * sym_d return sym_d, asym_d
[docs] def per_frame_distortion(self, sym_d, asym_d, total_power_ref): # Computation of the norms over bark bands for each frame # 2 and 1 for sym_d and asym_d, respectively d_frame = torch.sum( torch.pow(sym_d * self.width_of_band_bark, 2.0) + self.EPS, dim=-1, keepdim=True ) # a = torch.pow(sym_d * self.width_of_band_bark, 2.0) # b = sym_d # print(a.min(),a.max(),b.min(),b.max(), d_frame.min(), d_frame.max()) # print(self.width_of_band_bark.requires_grad) # print(d_frame.requires_grad) d_frame = torch.sqrt(d_frame) * self.sqrt_total_width da_frame = torch.sum(asym_d * self.width_of_band_bark, dim=-1, keepdim=True) # Weighting by the audible power raised to 0.04 weights = torch.pow((total_power_ref + 1e5) / 1e7, 0.04) # Bounded computation of the per frame distortion metric wd_frame = torch.min(d_frame / weights, 45.0 * torch.ones_like(d_frame)) wda_frame = torch.min(da_frame / weights, 45.0 * torch.ones_like(da_frame)) return wd_frame, wda_frame
[docs] @staticmethod def get_correction_factor(window_name): """ Returns the power correction factor depending on the window. """ if window_name == "rect": return 1.0 elif window_name == "hann": return 2.666666666666754 elif window_name == "sqrt_hann": return 2.0 elif window_name == "hamming": return 2.51635879188799 elif window_name == "flatTop": return 5.70713295690759 else: raise ValueError("Unexpected window type {}".format(window_name))
[docs] def populate_constants(self, sample_rate): if sample_rate == 8000: self.register_8k_constants() elif sample_rate == 16000: self.register_16k_constants() # Mask SSL mask_sll = np.zeros(shape=[self.nbins // 2 + 1], dtype=np.float32) mask_sll[11] = 0.5 * 25.0 / 31.25 mask_sll[12:104] = 1.0 mask_sll[104] = 0.5 correction = self.pow_correc_factor * (self.nbins + 2.0) / self.nbins ** 2 mask_sll = mask_sll * correction self.mask_sll = nn.Parameter(tensor(mask_sll), requires_grad=False)
[docs] def register_16k_constants(self): # Absolute threshold power abs_thresh_power = [ 51286152.00, 2454709.500, 70794.593750, 4897.788574, 1174.897705, 389.045166, 104.712860, 45.708820, 17.782795, 9.772372, 4.897789, 3.090296, 1.905461, 1.258925, 0.977237, 0.724436, 0.562341, 0.457088, 0.389045, 0.331131, 0.295121, 0.269153, 0.257040, 0.251189, 0.251189, 0.251189, 0.251189, 0.263027, 0.288403, 0.309030, 0.338844, 0.371535, 0.398107, 0.436516, 0.467735, 0.489779, 0.501187, 0.501187, 0.512861, 0.524807, 0.524807, 0.524807, 0.512861, 0.478630, 0.426580, 0.371535, 0.363078, 0.416869, 0.537032, ] self.abs_thresh_power = nn.Parameter(tensor(abs_thresh_power), requires_grad=False) # Modified zwicker power modif_zwicker_power = [ 0.25520097857560436, 0.25520097857560436, 0.25520097857560436, 0.25520097857560436, 0.25168783742879913, 0.24806665731869609, 0.244767379124259, 0.24173800119368227, 0.23893798876066405, 0.23633516221479894, 0.23390360348392067, 0.23162209128929445, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, ] self.modified_zwicker_power = nn.Parameter(tensor(modif_zwicker_power), requires_grad=False) # Width of band bark width_of_band_bark = [ 0.157344, 0.317994, 0.322441, 0.326934, 0.331474, 0.336061, 0.340697, 0.345381, 0.350114, 0.354897, 0.359729, 0.364611, 0.369544, 0.374529, 0.379565, 0.384653, 0.389794, 0.394989, 0.400236, 0.405538, 0.410894, 0.416306, 0.421773, 0.427297, 0.432877, 0.438514, 0.444209, 0.449962, 0.455774, 0.461645, 0.467577, 0.473569, 0.479621, 0.485736, 0.491912, 0.498151, 0.504454, 0.510819, 0.517250, 0.523745, 0.530308, 0.536934, 0.543629, 0.550390, 0.557220, 0.564119, 0.571085, 0.578125, 0.585232, ] self.width_of_band_bark = nn.Parameter(tensor(width_of_band_bark), requires_grad=False) # Bark matrix local_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() bark_path = os.path.join(local_path, "bark_matrix_16k.mat") bark_matrix = loadmat(bark_path)["Bark_matrix_16k"].astype("float32") self.bark_matrix = nn.Parameter(tensor(bark_matrix), requires_grad=False)
[docs] def register_8k_constants(self): # Absolute threshold power abs_thresh_power = [ 51286152, 2454709.500, 70794.593750, 4897.788574, 1174.897705, 389.045166, 104.712860, 45.708820, 17.782795, 9.772372, 4.897789, 3.090296, 1.905461, 1.258925, 0.977237, 0.724436, 0.562341, 0.457088, 0.389045, 0.331131, 0.295121, 0.269153, 0.257040, 0.251189, 0.251189, 0.251189, 0.251189, 0.263027, 0.288403, 0.309030, 0.338844, 0.371535, 0.398107, 0.436516, 0.467735, 0.489779, 0.501187, 0.501187, 0.512861, 0.524807, 0.524807, 0.524807, ] self.abs_thresh_power = nn.Parameter(tensor(abs_thresh_power), requires_grad=False) # Modified zwicker power modif_zwicker_power = [ 0.25520097857560436, 0.25520097857560436, 0.25520097857560436, 0.25520097857560436, 0.25168783742879913, 0.24806665731869609, 0.244767379124259, 0.24173800119368227, 0.23893798876066405, 0.23633516221479894, 0.23390360348392067, 0.23162209128929445, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, ] self.modified_zwicker_power = nn.Parameter(tensor(modif_zwicker_power), requires_grad=False) # Width of band bark width_of_band_bark = [ 0.157344, 0.317994, 0.322441, 0.326934, 0.331474, 0.336061, 0.340697, 0.345381, 0.350114, 0.354897, 0.359729, 0.364611, 0.369544, 0.374529, 0.379565, 0.384653, 0.389794, 0.394989, 0.400236, 0.405538, 0.410894, 0.416306, 0.421773, 0.427297, 0.432877, 0.438514, 0.444209, 0.449962, 0.455774, 0.461645, 0.467577, 0.473569, 0.479621, 0.485736, 0.491912, 0.498151, 0.504454, 0.510819, 0.517250, 0.523745, 0.530308, 0.536934, ] self.width_of_band_bark = nn.Parameter(tensor(width_of_band_bark), requires_grad=False) # Bark matrix local_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() bark_path = os.path.join(local_path, "bark_matrix_8k.mat") bark_matrix = loadmat(bark_path)["Bark_matrix_8k"].astype("float32") self.bark_matrix = nn.Parameter(tensor(bark_matrix), requires_grad=False)