Source code for asteroid.dsp.overlap_add

import torch
from scipy.signal import get_window
from asteroid.losses import PITLossWrapper
from torch import nn

[docs]class LambdaOverlapAdd(torch.nn.Module): """ Segment signal, apply func, combine with OLA. Args: nnet (callable): function to apply to each segment. n_src (int): Number of sources in the output of nnet. window_size (int): Size of segmenting window. hop_size (int): segmentation hop size. window (str): Name of the window (see scipy.signal.get_window) reorder_chunks (bool): whether to reorder each consecutive segment. """ def __init__( self, nnet, n_src, window_size, hop_size=None, window="hanning", reorder_chunks=True, enable_grad=False, ): super().__init__() assert window_size % 2 == 0, "Window size must be even" self.nnet = nnet self.window_size = window_size self.hop_size = hop_size if hop_size is not None else window_size // 2 self.n_src = n_src if window: window = get_window(window, self.window_size).astype("float32") window = torch.from_numpy(window) self.use_window = True else: self.use_window = False self.register_buffer("window", window) self.reorder_chunks = reorder_chunks self.enable_grad = enable_grad
[docs] def ola_forward(self, x): """Heart of the class: segment signal, apply func, combine with OLA.""" assert x.ndim == 3 batch, channels, n_frames = x.size() # Overlap and add: # [batch, chans, n_frames] -> [batch, chans, win_size, n_chunks] folded = torch.nn.functional.unfold( x.unsqueeze(-1), kernel_size=(self.window_size, 1), padding=(self.window_size, 0), stride=(self.hop_size, 1), ) out = [] n_chunks = folded.shape[-1] for frame_idx in range(n_chunks): # for loop to spare memory tmp = self.nnet(folded[..., frame_idx]) # user must handle multichannel by reshaping to batch if frame_idx == 0: assert tmp.ndim == 3, "nnet should return (batch, n_src, time)" assert tmp.shape[1] == self.n_src, "nnet should return (batch, n_src, time)" tmp = tmp.reshape(batch * self.n_src, -1) if frame_idx != 0 and self.reorder_chunks: # we determine best perm based on xcorr with previous sources tmp = _reorder_sources(tmp, out[-1], self.n_src, self.window_size, self.hop_size) if self.use_window: tmp = tmp * self.window else: tmp = tmp / (self.window_size / self.hop_size) out.append(tmp) out = torch.stack(out).reshape(n_chunks, batch * self.n_src, self.window_size) out = out.permute(1, 2, 0) out = torch.nn.functional.fold( out, (n_frames, 1), kernel_size=(self.window_size, 1), padding=(self.window_size, 0), stride=(self.hop_size, 1), ) return out.squeeze(-1).reshape(batch, self.n_src, -1)
[docs] def forward(self, x): """ Forward module: segment signal, apply func, combine with OLA. Args: x (:class:`torch.Tensor`): waveform signal of shape (batch, 1, time). Returns: :class:`torch.Tensor`: The output of the lambda OLA. """ # Here we can do the reshaping with torch.autograd.set_grad_enabled(self.enable_grad): olad = self.ola_forward(x) return olad
def _reorder_sources( current: torch.FloatTensor, previous: torch.FloatTensor, n_src: int, window_size: int, hop_size: int, ): """ Reorder sources in current chunk to maximize correlation with previous chunk. Used for Continuous Source Separation. Standard dsp correlation is used for reordering. Args: current (:class:`torch.Tensor`): current chunk, tensor of shape (batch, n_src, window_size) previous (:class:`torch.Tensor`): previous chunk, tensor of shape (batch, n_src, window_size) n_src (:class:`int`): number of sources. window_size (:class:`int`): window_size, equal to last dimension of both current and previous. hop_size (:class:`int`): hop_size between current and previous tensors. Returns: current: """ batch, frames = current.size() current = current.reshape(-1, n_src, frames) previous = previous.reshape(-1, n_src, frames) overlap_f = window_size - hop_size pw_losses = PITLossWrapper.get_pw_losses( lambda x, y: torch.sum((x.unsqueeze(1) * y.unsqueeze(2))), current[..., :overlap_f], previous[..., -overlap_f:], ) _, perms = PITLossWrapper.find_best_perm(pw_losses, n_src) current = PITLossWrapper.reorder_source(current, n_src, perms) return current.reshape(batch, frames)
[docs]class DualPathProcessing(nn.Module): """ Perform Dual-Path processing via overlap-add as in DPRNN [1]. Args: chunk_size (int): Size of segmenting window. hop_size (int): segmentation hop size. References: [1] "Dual-path RNN: efficient long sequence modeling for time-domain single-channel speech separation", Yi Luo, Zhuo Chen and Takuya Yoshioka. """ def __init__(self, chunk_size, hop_size): super(DualPathProcessing, self).__init__() self.chunk_size = chunk_size self.hop_size = hop_size self.n_orig_frames = None
[docs] def unfold(self, x): """ Unfold the feature tensor from (batch, channels, time) to (batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks). Args: x: (:class:`torch.Tensor`): feature tensor of shape (batch, channels, time). Returns: x: (:class:`torch.Tensor`): spliced feature tensor of shape (batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks). """ # x is (batch, chan, frames) batch, chan, frames = x.size() assert x.ndim == 3 self.n_orig_frames = x.shape[-1] unfolded = torch.nn.functional.unfold( x.unsqueeze(-1), kernel_size=(self.chunk_size, 1), padding=(self.chunk_size, 0), stride=(self.hop_size, 1), ) return unfolded.reshape( batch, chan, self.chunk_size, -1 ) # (batch, chan, chunk_size, n_chunks)
[docs] def fold(self, x, output_size=None): """ Folds back the spliced feature tensor. Input shape (batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks) to original shape (batch, channels, time) using overlap-add. Args: x: (:class:`torch.Tensor`): spliced feature tensor of shape (batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks). output_size: (int, optional): sequence length of original feature tensor. If None, the original length cached by the previous call of `unfold` will be used. Returns: x: (:class:`torch.Tensor`): feature tensor of shape (batch, channels, time). .. note:: `fold` caches the original length of the pr """ output_size = output_size if output_size is not None else self.n_orig_frames # x is (batch, chan, chunk_size, n_chunks) batch, chan, chunk_size, n_chunks = x.size() to_unfold = x.reshape(batch, chan * self.chunk_size, n_chunks) x = torch.nn.functional.fold( to_unfold, (output_size, 1), kernel_size=(self.chunk_size, 1), padding=(self.chunk_size, 0), stride=(self.hop_size, 1), ) x /= self.chunk_size / self.hop_size return x.reshape(batch, chan, self.n_orig_frames)
[docs] @staticmethod def intra_process(x, module): """ Performs intra-chunk processing. Args: x (:class:`torch.Tensor`): spliced feature tensor of shape (batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks). module (:class:`torch.nn.Module`): module one wish to apply to each chunk of the spliced feature tensor. Returns: x (:class:`torch.Tensor`): processed spliced feature tensor of shape (batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks). .. note:: the module should have the channel first convention and accept a 3D tensor of shape (batch, channels, time). """ # x is (batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks) batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks = x.size() # we reshape to batch*chunk_size, channels, n_chunks x = x.transpose(1, -1).reshape(batch * n_chunks, chunk_size, channels).transpose(1, -1) x = module(x) x = x.reshape(batch, n_chunks, channels, chunk_size).transpose(1, -1).transpose(1, 2) return x
[docs] @staticmethod def inter_process(x, module): """ Performs inter-chunk processing. Args: x (:class:`torch.Tensor`): spliced feature tensor of shape (batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks). module (:class:`torch.nn.Module`): module one wish to apply between each chunk of the spliced feature tensor. Returns: x (:class:`torch.Tensor`): processed spliced feature tensor of shape (batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks). .. note:: the module should have the channel first convention and accept a 3D tensor of shape (batch, channels, time). """ batch, channels, chunk_size, n_chunks = x.size() x = x.transpose(1, 2).reshape(batch * chunk_size, channels, n_chunks) x = module(x) x = x.reshape(batch, chunk_size, channels, n_chunks).transpose(1, 2) return x